Top 25 fortinet utility commands

Lately in my day to day I am having to “fight” with the fortinet firewalls coninuously, so I share with you the commands that I am using the most:

Command Description
# show Displays the global configuration
# sh system interface see interface configuration
# diagnose hardware deviceinfo nic view card information
# get system status see forti’s version
# sh firewall policy 6 see rule number 6
# sh router policy see routing policy
# diagnose system session list see list of sessions
# diagnose system session clear clears all xlate/translations
# diagnose ip arp list see arp table
# get router info routing-table all see all routes
# diagnose system top see the top processes
# diagnose system kill 9 kill process
# diag test auth ldap check if you can log in with an ldap user
# config system interface
edit port1
set ip
append allowaccess http
configure network interface
# config router static
edit 1
set device port1
set gateway
configure route
# config system dns
set primary set secondary
configure dns
# execute ping ping
# config system ha
set ha-eth-type 0003
set group-id 140
set up a group in the ha
# get system ha status see the state of the ha
# execute ha synchronize config synchronize ha
# execute ha synchronize stop
execute ha synchronize start
synchronize ha
# execute traceroute IP traceroute to an ip
# get system performance firewall statistics Display traffic statistics so far:
# get system performance status Display CPU status and power-on time:
# get system performance top Display CPU utilization sorted by the most important processes

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